Wednesday, January 9, 2008

no rules, just write

hey writers guild of america.

listen: go fuck yourselves. seriously. you're ruining the only tv i watch anymore.

the daily show wasn't the same when it started airing again.

colbert has been ehhhhhhh.

conan will always be good... well, with the exception of that bullshit video they showed last night of some woman's dumb kid dancing in their living room during the show's intro. i blame you, the writers of america, for subjecting me to that shiiiiiit.

listen again: fuck you. you're not that good anyway.

i really hope you guys get your dvd residual demands, and the money you're asking for from any internet programming. i really do. otherwise, i know a group of writers that would love to take a crack at 24 or heroes.

they'd probably do it better than you cry babies anywho.

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