Sunday, January 27, 2008


i jokingly referred to the new rambo film as "this season's light-hearted comedy." upon further thought, i am going to say that this moniker is actually not too far from the truth. seriously, this turd drips with comedic gold. here's why you should see it:

1. it clocks in at just over an hour and twenty minutes. that's 80 minutes of a jim henson workshop's version of stallone shooting arrows and .50 caliber rounds into any burmese bad guy he can find.

2. the laughs. holy shit there are a lot of laughs. ok, so most of them come from stallone's bond film reject one-liners, but still - a laugh-a-minute!

3. the amazing special effects. never have exposed intestines and exploding baddie's heads looked so real... and sooooo bloody/intestiney!

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