Saturday, January 19, 2008

random rules: me

the shuffler: patrick is the kind of guy that you want to curl up next to the fire and drink a mug full of on a cold winter's night. he's become a music snob in his old age, so maybe this random rules session will reveal some of his ipod's embarrassing and dark secrets.

eisley, golly sandra

me: yea, this definitely falls into the realm of embarrassing. i admitted before that electro-pop is one of my weaknesses. so is eisley. i find the girls in this band to be so fucking adorable, but they can sing their balls off. this might be the official end of all the tough-guy cred i've been stock piling.

the album leaf, the light

me: holy shit, i love this song. i could listen to this on repeat forever. in fact, i tried that this summer in chicago, and i'm still not tired of it. it's my motherfucking writing music.

ron sexsmith, gold in them hills

me: i saw this guy open for coldplay when i was still in college. as far as opening acts go, i thought he was great. too bad that didn't translate into commercial success for him. and just for the record, coldplay is for wanksters.

nelly furtado, the grass is green

me: aw for fucks sake, i don't want to explain this one. next.

south pacific, there is nothing like a dame

me: oh christ, this isn't going as well as i thought it would. yes, i like show tunes. there, i admitted it. fuck you, don't judge.

violent femmes, american music

me: now we're talking. i love the femmes. this song will always remind me of driving to the beach during the summer in high school.

ryan adams, cherry lane

me: i dug cold roses a lot when it first came out, but shelved it rather quickly. i like this song, especially when it breaks down towards the end. i was convinced ryan would be dead by now.

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